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Stork Stance


Physical: balancing on one foot, lower and upper limb coordination

Cognitive: sustained attention, selective attention

Social: taking turns (if doing activity with more than one person)

Number of participants:

1 or more




  1. child stands on one foot with the non-support foot placed against the knee of the supporting leg
  2. child maintains balance without wobbling
  3. child assumes stork stance on other leg

Wheelchair friendly?

This activity might not be suitable for people who use wheelchairs. “Wheelchair Friendly Activities” has a list of activities that are easy to adapt for wheelchair users. This list isn’t exhaustive, so we invite you to come up with your own creative ideas to make any activity work for you. If you have an idea on how to make this or any other activity more accessible for wheelchair users, We’d love to hear your ideas on how to make this or any other activity accessible for wheelchair users. Thank you for helping make play more inclusive!

Modifications to make the activity easier:

Change the environment:

  • have the child hold their arms out to the side to decrease physical demand
  • have the child hold onto a parent or adult during the activity to decrease physical demand

Modifications to make the activity harder:

Change the task:

  • have the child put their hands on their head to increase physical demand
  • have the child close their eyes to increase physical demand

Goal examples:

  • with their hands on their hips, the child will hold the stork stance on each leg without wobbling for 10 seconds
  • I can balance like a stork

Note: activity is demonstrated from 0:00-0:21, after which the video cuts off due to upload issue on host site