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Wiggly Snake


Physical: balance, upper and lower limb coordination

Cognitive: sustained attention, visual processing

Social: awareness of personal space

Number of participants:

3 or more


  • skipping rope


  1. two children hold each end of a long skipping rope
  2. from a kneeling or sitting position, the rope holders jiggle in different ways – side to side, up and down, etc.
  3. other players try to jump over the rope without touching it

You can also tie the rope to a chair or door handle if not enough children are available

Wheelchair friendly?

This activity might not be suitable for people who use wheelchairs. “Wheelchair Friendly Activities” has a list of activities that are easy to adapt for wheelchair users. This list isn’t exhaustive, so we invite you to come up with your own creative ideas to make any activity work for you. If you have an idea on how to make this or any other activity more accessible for wheelchair users, We’d love to hear your ideas on how to make this or any other activity accessible for wheelchair users. Thank you for helping make play more inclusive!

Modifications to make the activity easier:

Change the environment: give a verbal warning before changing the way the rope is jiggled (i.e., from side-to-side to up/down) to decrease cognitive demand

Change the task: allow the child to step over the rope to decrease physical demand

Modifications to make the activity harder:

Change the environment: have the child try the activity on a softer surface (i.e., grassy field) to increase physical demand

Change the task: have the child jump over the rope side-to-side (rather than back-to-front) to increase physical and cognitive demand

Goal examples:

  • the child will be able to jump over the rope, 10 times in a row
  • I can work together with one of my friends to hold the rope and move it in various motions

Activity adapted from video above.