Three Pin Bowling
Physical: kicking a ball, lower limb coordination
Cognitive: visual processing, selective attention
Social: taking turns
Number of participants:
1 or more
- soccer ball
- 3+ cones/plastic bottles
- child kicks a soccer ball to knock down cones or plastic bottles from a distance
Wheelchair friendly?
Yes, children using wheelchairs can use a flat surface, such as mat, to act as a ramp to roll the ball off their lap
Modifications to make the activity easier:
Change the environment: place the cones closer to the child to decrease physical demand
Change the equipment: use a bigger ball to decrease physical and cognitive demand
Modifications to make the activity harder:
Change the environment: place the cones farther away from the child to increase physical demand
Goal examples:
- the child will be able to knock down three cones placed 3m away with one kick, 8 out of 10 times
- I can kick all ball at the targets