Straight Line Shadow Tag
Physical: acceleration and coordination of movement, agility, balance, lower extremity coordination, reaction time
Cognitive: selective attention, visual processing
Social: joint attention
Number of participants:
2 or more
- child follows a parent or coach as the leader
- the leader accelerates or decelerates, and the shadow (child) does the same action while keeping constant distance
Wheelchair friendly?
Modifications to make the activity easier:
Change the environment: have the coach provide a verbal and/or visual cue when they are going to run faster or slower to decrease cognitive demand
Change the task: decrease the length of time of the activity to decrease physical demand
Modifications to make the activity harder:
Change the environment: add obstacles around the play area to increase physical demand
Change the task: increase physical demand by increasing the duration of the activity and/or number of accelerations and decelerations
Goal examples:
- I will be able to accurately respond to accelerations and decelerations 8 out of 10 times (i.e., does not bump into coach)
- I can speed up and slow down as the leader does