Reaction Sprint


Physical: acceleration, agility, balance, lower extremity coordination, coordination of movement

Cognitive: selective attention, reaction time, auditory processing, visual processing

Social: taking turns (if doing activity with more than one person)

Number of participants:

1 or more


masking tape or lines on the floor


  1. child sprints from one line to another for a distance of 10m when the coach signals “Go!”
  2. child turns and sprints back on another signal from the coach

Wheelchair friendly?

Yes, encourage children using wheelchairs to practice changing directions quickly and safely.

Modifications to make the activity easier:

Change the environment:

  • provide verbal encouragement for the child to run as fast as they can
  • give the child advance warning to start (i.e., Ready, set, go) to decrease cognitive demand

Change the task: have the child run a shorter distance (move cones closer together) to decrease physical demand

Modifications to make the activity harder:

Change the environment: increase the distance that the child needs to walk to increase physical demand 

Change the task:

  • increase physical demand by increasing running distance (move cones farther apart)
  • increase physical demand by increasing the number of sprints to complete the activity

Goal examples:

  • child is able to sprint 10m in 15 seconds, 3 times in a row
  • I can sprint from one point to another

Activity adapted from video above.