Freeze Dance
Physical: balance with sudden stopping of motion, upper and lower limb coordination, reaction time
Cognitive: sustained attention, selective attention
Social: awareness of personal space if doing with more than one child
Number of participants:
one or more
- child dances to music
- when the music stops, child stops in place
Wheelchair friendly?
Modifications to make the activity easier:
Change the task:
- decrease expectations for the length of time to hold the position to decrease physical and cognitive demand
- allow more time to assume “freeze” position to decrease physical and cognitive demand
Change the environment: have a warning cue before music stops to decrease cognitive demand
Modifications to make the activity harder:
Change the task: increase duration of holding the position to increase physical and cognitive demand
Change the environment: stop music at unpredictable times to increase physical and cognitive demand
Goal examples:
- the child can hold the “freeze” position without moving for 5 seconds after the music stops, 2 out of 3 times
- I can dance to the music