Follow the Leader


Physical: upper and lower limb coordination, reaction time, gross motor skill, balance

Cognitive: sustained attention, selective attention

Social: taking turns (if doing activity with more than one person)

Number of participants:

one or more


hula hoops, jump rope, pylons, mats


  1. child follows their parent or coach along a series of obstacles (e.g., rings on the floor, crawling under a hurdle, etc.)

Wheelchair friendly?

Yes, space obstacles further apart so that there is enough space for children in wheelchairs to manoeuvre through them when following the leader.

Modifications to make the activity easier:

Change the environment:

  • have fewer obstacles in the activity to decrease physical deamnd
  • have the child hold onto a parent or adult during the activity to decrease physical demand

Modifications to make the activity harder:

Change the environment: increase the number of obstacles in the activity to increase physical demand 

Change the task: run through obstacles to increase physical and cognitive demand 

Goal examples:

  • the child will be able to clear 5 obstacles in 2 minutes
  • I can complete the jumping obstacles with my friend