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Alphabet Jump


Physical: accurate jumping and landing, balance, upper and lower limb coordination

Cognitive: sustained attention, selective attention, visual processing

Social: taking turns (if doing activity with more than one person)

Number of participants:

1 or more




  1. child jumps on the letter that is called out by the coach

Wheelchair friendly?

This activity might not be suitable for people who use wheelchairs. “Wheelchair Friendly Activities” has a list of activities that are easy to adapt for wheelchair users. This list isn’t exhaustive, so we invite you to come up with your own creative ideas to make any activity work for you. If you have an idea on how to make this or any other activity more accessible for wheelchair users, We’d love to hear your ideas on how to make this or any other activity accessible for wheelchair users. Thank you for helping make play more inclusive!

Modifications to make the activity easier:

Change the environment:

  • draw letters closer together to decrease physical demand
  • draw letters in the child’s name to decrease cognitive demand

Change the task: use different coloured chalk instead of differentiating the squares by letters to decrease cognitive demand

Modifications to make the activity harder:

Change the environment: vary the distance between the letters to increase physical and cognitive demand

Change the task: have the child jump on letters to spell their name to increase cognitive demand

Goal examples:

  • child will be able to jump inside the square without touching the lines, 8 out of 10 times
  • I can jump into the chalk squares